Money Management Matters in Marriage

Money Management Matters in Marriage


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Product Description

All You Need Is a Good Brainwashing :  Soft cover book


Dr. Frank and Mrs. JoeNell Summerfield have been
married and managing their finances for over
38 years. Even though both were raised in very poor
homes and backgrounds– through diligence, Godly
wisdom, discipline, unity and practical application,
they have seen God elevate them to millionaire status.
In this life-changing book, they show couples how vital
it is to manage their money wisely and carefully together
to get the best results. They show how immensely the
condition of a couples’ finances contributes to the
condition of their romance and entire marriage. They often
refer to the slogans: “No Money,No Honey”, and “No Finance,
No Romance”. Sound, clear, and intelligent techniques
and strategies for managing money successfully are
found in this book. Help your marriage by purchasing
your copy today!


Soft cover Book


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